A Constellate Retreat in Iceland

You are magic.

Let’s explore all the magic within you while being surrounded by the mesmerizing and breathtaking beauty of Iceland.


Iceland helped me heal.

The last time I was in Iceland I told myself “I’m bringing others back with me... “

Flÿja in Icelandic translates to Escape. Iceland has been an escape for me for several years, and it seemed perfect to name the retreat an “Escape” I think after the last two years we could all use a Flÿja.

Iceland is magical in its own right…It’s the land of fairies and magic. Fire and Ice. Volcanoes and Hot Springs. For me, it was home the minute I arrived. I’ve never felt so connected to a country before and it’s pulled me back year after year.

I’ve been trying to define what this retreat really is about, who it’s for, and what they can expect to get out of this experience. After much thought and many lists and notes, I’ve come to realize this is a culmination of all the work I’ve done on myself over the past 7 years.

This gathering is for those that are wanting to deep dive into shadow work.

What do I mean when I say shadow work?

“Shadow work is, at heart, about developing self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion. Shadow work is often both therapy and more spiritual, helping you see the different parts of yourself. For people who have been especially good at avoiding their shadow — for instance, because it is too far different from your own self-perception or desired impression — shadow work is about acknowledging the existence of shadows and getting curious about exploring them.”

I will be sharing and guiding you in all the ways I’ve done this for myself. It will get you started on your path of understanding and becoming more aware of what makes you, YOU!

No matter where you are on your path of self-discovery, I will help you see just how unique you are and also how to use this knowledge to reconnect, rediscover or uncover who you are, why you do the things that you do and how to live your most delicious life by embracing all aspects of you.


May 25th-30th, 2023

We will be staying 5 days and 4 nights in this stunning luxurious cabin in the heart of the Golden Circle in Iceland.

What in the world is the Golden Circle?

“The name Golden Circle or "Gullni hringurinn" in Icelandic refers to the route from Reykjavik to Thingvellir, Geysir, and Gullfoss which are the highlights of the route and back to Reykjavik and make it a circle. The Gold in the name comes from "Gullfoss" which literally means Golden waterfall.”

It’s the most visited area in Iceland. There are some spots they left out that are my favorites… Laugarvatn Fontana a geothermal spa, Kerid (Have you ever walked the perimeter of a crater?) and Brúarhlöð, I’ve never seen water this color of teal blue before in my life…We are minutes away from all of these landmarks!

Below are images of our incredible cabin!


What’s Included?

  • All Lodging & Transportation (Flights and Airfare are not included)

  • Food, Snacks, and Beverages will be available to you at the cabin (Alcohol can be purchased at Duty-Free Shop in KEF)

  • All Excursions include a Geothermal Spa Visit

  • 45 min Reiki Session

  • Mini Portrait Session with 15 digital files

  • Days spent exploring Iceland and all of what holds us back

  • Fun Swag Bag with supplies included

$2349 per person / $600 Retainer to book your spot

(Limited to 6 Attendees)

The Experience

  • Before we go, we will all connect in a private facebook community and we’ll talk about meal planning, explorations, preferences and we can start laying the groundwork for the deep diving.

    This will allow us to start connecting immediately and will only strengthen our gathering once we land in Iceland.

  • This escape to Iceland is fueled by connection. Connections with others & connection with yourself. I have carefully planned our days with a balance of exploration, small group activities and rest.

  • We could not be in a more perfect spot to explore all of the Golden Circle southeast of Iceland. I want you to have a say in what you want to experience! In our Facebook group we can create our own unique itinerary for our group.

  • Iceland is very much an “active” experience. So much to explore, hiking, nature, waterfalls for days..

    I have made sure there’s also plenty of rest and relaxation time. Our home has a hot tub and everyone will have their own bed. That was important to me, after spending the day hiking and exploring I want you to have a space to retreat to that’s quiet and restful.


I wanted this retreat to be super intimate and I’m keeping the number of attendees to seven. I feel that’s best for everyone to have their space and one on one time with me. It also allows us to easily explore the Golden Circle and South Iceland.

Iceland during Early October is one of the best times of the year to visit. It’s a little chillier, windier and we might even get some snow!

The Northern Lights start to ramp up in the fall, there’s no guarantee but we will do everything in our power to experience them! I would love to work with you and help you shoot your own image of the Northern Lights in Iceland.

Below are some of my favorite images from past adventures and I can’t wait to explore with you!


  • Flights are the attendee’s responsibility.

    You will be flying into KEF Keflavik International Airport in Iceland. Direct round trips flights out of Raleigh start in the month of May 2022 and the main reason I created this retreat at this time. Icelandair is the most reasonable but if you have airline miles or credit card points by all means use them! In our group, I can help you decide on what and when to book.

  • I am fully vaxxed and so is everyone on my team. We require our attendees to also be fully vaccinated.

    Covid.is is the website that I follow for all things Iceland and Covid.

    “All passengers must pre-register on covid.is

    All passengers must present a negative COVID test that is not older than 72 hours when traveling abroad.

    Passengers must present an approved certificate of vaccination, a certificate of a positive outcome of a PCR test older than 14 days, or an antibody certificate.

    Alternatively, the passenger should undergo PCR sampling on arrival, and return after 5 days of quarantine.”

    Leaving the country we will register prior and schedule a PCR test in Reykjavik when we visit on our planned day trip to the capital.

    (Also know this is ever-changing…I would highly suggest purchasing Cancel for Any Cause Trip Insurance just to make sure you’re covered. it’s inexpensive and you will be able to recoup your cost if something happens and you’re not able to make it to Iceland or an incident happens while there.)

  • I’ve been to many retreats and I wanted to make sure that everyone had their own space. You will have your own bed. Upstairs there’s a loft of “rail car” beds… they have a little curtain and you’re tucked into your bunk. There are photos of the sleeping spaces above. I highly recommend and will be placing earplugs in everyone’s bags. It just makes a better experience for everyone when we get well-rested sleep! There are also two large sofas you can nap or lounge on..

  • Let’s talk about it… if this is you and you’re concerned, reach out to me! Iceland is not an easy country to grab food out and I feel like there’s so much intimacy in cooking and eating together in a “family style” environment. Iceland is an island so food is quite expensive. Meat and dairy are pricier so we will probably use less than what we would eat in the states. I also want you to have so many choices and say in what we have on our menu… So we will create our menu in the group based on some starter ideas I have already. I will do everything I can to accommodate anyone who has an allergy but you are also welcome to bring food. There is a grocery store we can stop at coming out to the cabin and when we’re out exploring!

  • You will be traveling internationally, drugs, unless prescribed, should be left at home. I love sitting in the hot tub in the cool air having a glass of wine or beer so we will make sure to have beer and wine available and will gladly take requests. With that being said, I think we all need to make sure our intake is limited to be able to experience all the adventures and curriculum we will be going through. When you arrive at the airport, there is a duty-free shop where you can buy beer, wine, and liquor. Feel free to bring what you prefer or like, we will have a limited amount on hand.

  • I will be working on a detailed plan for each day placing us in an area where we can see several things in an afternoon. The farthest excursion would be to Joskularon and Breidamerkursandur- otherwise known as Diamond Beach. Mainly because the moment I saw it for the first time and every time after I was just in awe of it.. hopefully, we’ll get to see some seals frolicking in the water!

    Again, I want you to really have input into what you’d like to experience.

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh